Sullivan Road/Trent Avenue Interchange
The City is planning to reconstruct the existing interchange at Sullivan Road and Trent Avenue (SR 290). This project replaces both Sullivan Road bridges over the BNSF Railway tracks and four lanes of Trent. The existing signalized intersections will be replaced with a “peanut” roundabout. The project seeks to improve mobility and safety for all users: vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. A shared use path will be added along Sullivan’s west side and a new, wider sidewalk will be built on the east side.
The city evaluated four potential new interchange configurations in fall 2022. The city’s process included collaboration with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), BNSF Railway, regional stakeholders, neighboring industries, and the general public. In December 2022, city council passed a motion selecting Alternative 2 – Diamond Interchange with Peanut Roundabouts as the selected, preferred alternative.
Site of Interchange

Selected design alternative

RAISE FY23 funding request
The project’s estimated total cost is $42.2 million. In spring 2023, the city submitted a grant application for $17.2 million to the USDOT’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability & Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program. The City also submitted various funding requests to WSDOT, the Washington state legislature and the US Congress. Funding programs will announce their awards likely by fall or winter 2023.
The city has secured approximately $6.6 million of federal and local funds to deliver the engineering and right-of-way phases of the project. The city is now pursuing construction phase funding. A funding breakdown of the overall project (as of March 2023) is provided below.

Project Schedule
The City initiated the engineering phase in March 2023. Engineering, environmental and Right-of-Way phases are scheduled to occur in 2023 and 2024. The construction timeline is an estimate based on assumed funding secured from the RAISE FY23 application.
Phase |
Begin |
End |
Design Engineering |
03/2023 |
12/2024 |
Environmental Documents (NEPA) |
08/2023 |
03/2024 |
Right-of-Way |
04/2024 |
12/2024 |
CN Add/Bid/Award |
01/2025 |
03/2025 |
Construction* |
04/2025 |
10/2026 |
Public Engagement |
04/2019 |
Ongoing |
Letters of Support
The project has been a federal agenda priority for Spokane Valley since 2019. Partnerships include Spokane County, WSDOT, BNSF Railway, Spokane Regional Transportation Council, and a variety of local and regional stakeholders and freight industry representatives.
View Letters of Support
Selection of Alternative
Learn more about the city's 2022 evaluation of the four alternatives:
Project contact
Rob Lochmiller
Project Manager
Title VI Notice to Public – It is the policy of the City of Spokane Valley to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and related State and Federal Statutes, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally-funded programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI rights have been violated may file a complaint with the City’s Title VI Administrator at or call (509) 720-5111.
The City of Spokane Valley in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing John Whitehead or by calling (509) 720-5111.