Transportation Impact Fees

The city adopted Ordinance No. 22-005 in April 2022, an ordinance adopting the South Barker Corridor Transportation Impact Fee Study and the Mirabeau and North Pines Road Subarea Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study. Impact fees are an authorized mechanism for developments to pay their proportionate impact on the services and infrastructure.
South Barker Road - Rate Study
The City analyzed traffic impacts for Southeast Spokane Valley (Mission Avenue to the city limits to the south) to determine potential impact fees related to development generally along the Barker Road Corridor. Engineering consultant Fehr & Peers completed the South Barker Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study in September 2020. On Oct. 22, 2021, city staff made a presentation to the Planning Commission, identifying seven recommended projects along the South Barker corridor with a total cost of $18.8 million, of which $3.6 million could be proportionately funded by impact fees.
Impact Fee Area

The impact fee rate schedule includes the following examples:
- $1,260 per unit Single family home/duplex
- $713 per unit Multi-family
- $891 per room Hotel (3 or more levels)
- $1.74 per sq. ft. Elementary School
- $4.17 per sq. ft. Medical Clinic
- $1.46 per sq. ft. General Office
- $3.20 per sq. ft. Shopping Center
Trip generation is based on peak hour (4 - 6 p.m.) vehicle trips.